Ahaa’Kwii’Aa’Mak Mataayum Community Day

Please save the date and register now by clicking below for the Ahaa’Kwii’Aa’Mak Mataayum in April, 2025 at the Los Vaqueros Group Horse Camp. The Gathering will be hosted by the Kumeyaay Nation and planned collaboratively by the Kumeyaay Diegueño Land Conservancy, Kumeyaay Heritage Preservation Committee, Watershed Solutions Network, California Department of Conservation, U.S. Forest Service, California State Parks, and the RCD of Greater San Diego County. Together, we proudly emphasize the utilization and preservation of traditional language with the gathering’s title, Ahha’Kwii’Aa’Mak Mataayum which can be translated to “behind the rain clouds” and “gathering” or Behind the Rain Clouds Gathering

RSVP Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1GkiIB7PdxFW8XYPfPd_6fZckkDUzYo1eUjD85PoqJko/preview?edit_requested=true

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